
World Race Gap Year


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World Race

Throughout the Bible, we see God inviting people on a journey of faith and purpose. It's about growing closer to Him, understanding ourselves better, and joining in His work of building His kingdom. The World Race Gap Year is a 9-month program designed for recent high school grads like me. It's a chance to serve, be part of a Christian community, and figure out who I am and what I'm here for. I'm excited to work with other believers, spread the message of Jesus, and help out where it's needed. This experience will be a game-changer, helping me deepen my connection with God and discover my place in His plan.






The Journey

I thought college was my next move, but after I got accepted into my dream school, the excitement I expected just wasn't there. I started feeling like maybe there was something else out there for me. After a conversation I had, I found out about the World Race and somehow instantly knew it was the right path for me.

I am most excited about…

Immersing myself in other cultures, learning new things and trying new foods.

I’m not gonna lie I am a little worried about….

Not being able to hit the gym for so long and not having my favorite foods.

I think the hardest part will be…

Being gone for so long and missing out on things with my family and freinds. I also think it is going to be so hard to be unplugged for so long from our culture and things that I am used to.

The country I am most looking forward to is…

Romania. I hear their deadlifts are pretty legit.

How do you think God is going to stretch you the most?

I think I will be spiritually challenged and tested in ways that I never have before. I also think it is going to be very hard to make meaningful and impactful relationships with people and then have to leave to the next place.

Ways to support ME

First and foremost, I would love your prayers. This is going to be a very challenging year: spiritually, emotionally, and physically. It is so encouraging to know that I will and already have people who are praying for me and cheering me on.

Part of the requirement of the trip is that I fundraise approximately $20,000 to cover all of the expenses for training, transportation, food, lodging, and supplies. I am working this summer to earn as much as I can, but if you would consider partnering with me in one of these ways financially, it would be an incredible blessing.

(Tax Deductible)

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